Olsights News
and Views

Please, No Stonings. Why We Should Not Demonize an Industry.
I was intrigued by a post on LinkedIn that referred to a quote by Elon ...
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The Problem of Energy Access in Sub-Saharan Africa and the...
If one ought to describe the global political economy—the 'who gets what when and how’—of ...
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Out With The Old / In With the New
February suddenly arrived with a boom. We kicked off the morning with lots of "Pinch ...
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How many wind turbines to save the world?
It is both an exciting and depressing time to be part of the energy industry. ...
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The Energy Policy Makers Dilemma
I have been observing (and taking part in) the debate that is raging between two ...
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Why Everyone Should Take an Energy Primer Class
There are many smart engineers on LinkedIn, which is evident from the content of posts. ...
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Innovation. Outlining a structured approach for business success.
I recently came across an article titled: The paradox of important but ineffective Innovation: Lean ...
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Island Ambassador 2021
Spending the last couple of evenings a bit glued to the new 'Island Ambassadors' group ...
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Powering Better Islands
Powering Better Islands Around the world there are thousands of small islands. Some remote. Others ...
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