Olsights News
and Views

My Green Transition
My Green Transition | Kamdi Uko Olsights Product Manager Like many, I first became truly ...
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All Energy Scotland 
All Energy Scotland A few summary insights on today’s energy transition landscape in Scotland, to ...
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🌍 Olsights Eye New Features & Updates
Major Updates to the Olsights Eye: Enhancing User Experience and Control We are excited to ...
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Olsights B Corp Impact Report
Olsights: Our B Corp Journey So Far Our journey started in June 2020 when we ...
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It’s Always Sunny in Anglesey 
Illuminating the Potential of Solar Energy in the UK by Tony Griffiths Olsights CEO & ...
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Exploring Wind Energy in the UK
The United Kingdom is the windiest country in Europe (Global Wind Atlas) with the wind ...
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Is Solar CfD Still Relevant?
In September 2023, the UK's Solar Contracts for Difference (CfDs) set strike prices significantly below ...
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The Solar Alternative
Anglesey is great for solar! Used in the right places, it is a quick way ...
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Friday Fun Facts....Did you know.....
Friday Fun Facts ......there is currently over 680 GW of total planned and operational wind ...
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