Olsights News
and Views

Electric vehicles - or something else?
‘If the electric vehicle only is a substitute for the current car and we continue ...
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Getting to Grips with Units
We've had some interesting discussions recently as a result of getting tangled up with energy ...
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Olwg awarded B Corp Pending Status
We are delighted to announce that Olwg has recently been certified as B Corp Pending. ...
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A Lag in the System
The title above now has a twofold meaning: Initially it referred only to a simple ...
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Carbon transition: A microeconomic perspective.
The first thing to say, I am not an economist; in fact, I have only ...
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Vision - 1 Webinar
Last Wednesday we held the first of our Insights webinar series: Vision 1 - Engineering ...
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Olwg Wins a Place on The Greenhouse Innovation Programme
Our start-up has recently won a space on the prestigious climate action innovation programme The ...
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Technology Is Not The Only Answer To The Puzzle of...
The energy transition is the innate desire to move from carbon-based energy to renewable or ...
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Olwg Supports Wales' First Hydrogen Hub Development
Olwg, in supporting leading clean energy solutions provider Logan Energy, has won a public tender ...
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