In-calc EV

A simple calculator to estimate the charge time for Battery Electric Vehicles.
In-calc Gas Grid

Carbon Intensity Calculator
Shows the reduction of calorific value & carbon intensity with increasing hydrogen blend in gas grid.
in-calc CCUS

Cost Calculator
Estimates summary project and unit costs of capturing, transporting and storing CO@ from flu gas emissions.
in-calc Blue H2

Cost Calculator
Estimates summary project & unit costs of producing hydrogen from large reformer plants, with and without CO2 capture
in-calc Blue H2 Stats

Reports the key metrics for current ‘Best Available Technology (BAT) large-scale blue hydrogen developments
in-calc Electric Grid

Carbon Intensity Calculator
Simulates the Carbon intensity of electricity frid blend from a range of supply sources.
in-calc DAC

Cost & Energy Calculator
Estimates summary project and unit costs of capturing CO2 directly from the air.
in-calc Wind

Power Calculator
Shows the relationship between wind speed, turbine blade radius and power output.
in-calc CO2 Emissions

Shows the relationship between CO2 emission industry type and estimated partial pressure and capture cost.
In-calc Home

Cost Calculator
Quickly estimates the consumption, appliance choice and energy tariffs have on home energy bills.
in-calc Green H2

Cost Calculator
Estimates summary project & unit costs of producing hydrogen from electrolysis.
in-calc Marine Tidal

Power Calculator
Shows the relationship between todal current, turbine blade radius and power output.
in-calc Green H2 Sizing

Cost Calculator
This simple calculation returns the expected energy, water and pipe requirement from a given hydrogen production capacity.
Analyse. Visualise. Decide.
Contact us for a demo of our applications or for more details how we can help with your clean energy or decarbonisation projects.