Out With The Old / In With the New

Out With The Old / In With the New

February suddenly arrived with a boom. We kicked off the morning with lots of “Pinch punch first of the month” around the house, and weirdly it now feels more like A New Year than it did a month ago. It’s getting lighter, some interesting things are...
The Energy Policy Makers Dilemma

The Energy Policy Makers Dilemma

I have been observing (and taking part in) the debate that is raging between two political parties, squaring up to each other on opposite sides of the debating floor. Not the Tory Party versus the Labour Party; and not Trump versus Biden. This is the Hydrogen Party,...
Why Everyone Should Take an Energy Primer Class

Why Everyone Should Take an Energy Primer Class

There are many smart engineers on LinkedIn, which is evident from the content of posts. Right now, many of those posts are about the energy transition. There is enough technology out there to keep any geek happy for millennia. However, there is something missing from...
Island Ambassador 2021

Island Ambassador 2021

Spending the last couple of evenings a bit glued to the new ‘Island Ambassadors’ group chat, and reminiscing about / reflecting on my own ‘island’ links (past + present), has sent my brain into overdrive – so I thought we should explain a...
Powering Better Islands

Powering Better Islands

Powering Better Islands Around the world there are thousands of small islands. Some remote. Others close to the mainland. Some are inhabited with good levels of development. Others less so. One thing all islands have in common is a need to be self sufficient in a way...