Yesterday, our COO & Commercial Director Emmanuel S. Kirunda attended the unveiling of the International Energy Agency (IEA) World Energy Outlook 2022 in Brussels. The event was well attended by who-is-who from the Energy Industry in the BENELUX region. The chief guests were the IEA Executive Director Dr. Fatil Birol and the Belgian Energy Minister Ms. Tinne Van der Straeten.

Main takeaways were:
- Europe has withstood the Energy Crisis, way better than analysts had anticipated.
- 2022 was the year clean energy was turbo-charged, record investments registered and for those who care, we might be officially in the ‘Clean Energy Industrial age’.
- The Energy Transition manufacturing and investment spaces are greatly dominated by China (in some sectors by as much as 90%).
- Energy Transition investments must triple between now and 2030 to keep track with net-zero targets (same conclusion as Bloomberg).
It is this last point that sits well with our purpose. Olsights was created to expedite decision making in the Energy Transition space, because ‘accelerating the Energy Transition means accelerating Decision-making’. Explore our visualisation approach to decision-making at