Daily Carbon Prices
Tracking the European Union and United Kingdom Emissions Trading System carbon market price day-by-day
Source: Ember

Offshore Wind Electricity Map
the estimated total electricity being generated by offshore wind sites across the UK, as well as the individual contribution from each wind farm
Source: Crown Estate

Energy Prices
View recent and historical wholesale energy prices for oil, gas and electricity
Source: Clifford Talbot Partnership

The Dashboard provides a quick overview of the live electricity mix, carbon emissions and the amount of low carbon electricity
Source: Dr Andrew Crossland

Gridwatch Power Gen

Gridwatch CO2 Emissions

Nord Pool Spot
Trade power in 16 countries as well as adding specific related services such as compliance, data or courses
Source: Nord Pool


The Energy Current

Live PV Generation

National Grid Live Status
The National Grid is Great Britain’s electricity transmission network, distributing the electrical power generated in England, Scotland, and Wales, and transferring energy between Great Britain and Ireland, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Norway
Source: Kate Rose Morley

Epex Spot
EPEX SPOT offers a wide range of products and services, to trade across the entire value chain of electricity
Source: APX Group
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